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Junior Achievement USA
Research on Judging Platforms created for Junior Achievement USA. This is the distilled research information in a powerpoint. Unfortunately, the project was shelved for re-evaluation of JA's preferred direction in academic evaluations.
Conducted several calls with judging platform vendors to determine features and pricing that would meet with Junior Achievement USA's needs.This is a pricing call verses a features call.
During a Userlytics Interview in which I was an observer (on a different project), I realized the moderator's partner, who took notes, was missing. I jumped in and took notes by hand. I had been observing all of the user interviews and followup meetings to contribute to the take aways and wanted to make sure no information in this interview was lost.
Archer Malmo 
Created in PowerPoint for Archer Malmo's client WISPr Systems, a USA drone company. This document only contains the information I personally researched (other sections removed). Click to view the full document.
Created for Archer Malmo as part of discovery. This is an interview with one of WISPr's distributors, making him both a stakeholder and a user. (The actual interview starts at 1m, 20s.) A total of four stakeholder interviews were conducted. Results can be seen in the Presentation.
The full list of interview questions for the stakeholder interviews vetted by the team.
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